Hello! I hope this finds you well.
This will likely be something of a short update, since most of this week dealt with DragonCon for me. DragonCon was pretty spiffy, although it was different due to some of the Covid restrictions, including guests not being present, and attendees being limited. That said, I did get to see some of my friends while I was in town, and I got to see some really cool panels (and get some writing advice/ideas/inspiration) while I was at it. I will likely be writing a post in the next few days about some of the awesome stuff I saw at DragonCon 2021.
So, I mentioned in last week’s update that I was hoping to get the remaining portion of my side story (aka- my NaNo 2012 novel) typed up. I did not quite manage that, but I have been able to put together some additional details with regard to the final arc of the series. I don’t have them put into my outline/timeline yet, but I should be able to make progress on that this week. I was also able to get some information at DragonCon that should come in handy with regard to the self-publishing and marketing side of things. I need to look into it a bit more, but I think I have some good resources that will serve as a starting point for diving a bit deeper into that side of things.
As for reading, I did manage to finish Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One right before leaving for DragonCon. There are definitely certain elements of the book that were a bit… different than what I expected, but overall it was pretty spiffy. There are definitely some things I like from the book, and others I like from the movie, so if the story is something you are interested in, it may be worth checking out both versions. In addition to Ready Player One, one of the authors I saw in a panel at DragonCon was Ben Meeks. To be fair, I didn’t really know anything about his book other than it was urban fantasy, and it has a were-otter. That said, that was enough for me to decide to pick up the book. Currently, I’m about a third of the way through Petrified, the first book of The Keeper Chronicles. So far, I’m enjoying it fairly well. I’m definitely enjoying seeing different types of werebeasts, and there are certain elements that are similar to something I have in the works for a future series, after I finish drafting my current series, so that’s kind of cool.
For this next week, I plan to finish typing up the handwritten portion of my side story. I also plan to finish Petrified, and I plan to start The Serpent’s Shadow from Mercedes Lackey’s The Elemental Masters series. That book did come with me to DragonCon, but with the days being so full, I didn’t get a chance to start it. Other than that, I intend to review my assorted notes from the DragonCon panels I went to, and look into some of the resources that were mentioned for the self-publishing process.
I think that’s about everything I have for this week. Thanks for reading!
~ Theresa
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