Hello, everyone! I hope you’re doing well!. Hard to believe 2022 is almost half over…
This week went fairly well. Admittedly, I didn’t write or read as much as I probably could have, but there’s nothing wrong with having a light week every now and then. I did still make a bit of progress with assorted things, which is always nice. And I’ve been gearing up for Camp NaNoWriMo starting in a few days (1 Jul). Other than that, I’ve also been doing a good bit of reading about shadowboxing, and I tried my hand at creating something of a shadowboxing routine for myself. I’ve been meaning to do that for a while, and this week seemed like as good a time as any.
I am still making progress with Book 11, though this past week has been spent dealing with more of the ‘big picture’ kinds of things. I have maintained my daily streak of writing something everyday, so I can’t complain too much. And I’m going to see how much I can get drafted between now and the start of Camp NaNo. Part of the big picture stuff I’ve been working on has involved focusing on character arcs (in this book and the series as a whole). The rest of it has been more specifically focusing on certain key scenes in Book 11 so I can figure out what needs to happen elsewhere in the book to make sure things line up. My goal for Camp NaNo will likely be finishing Book 11 and starting Book 12, with my usual goal of 50,000 words for the month (which will likely get reduced, but one can hope).
This past week, I’ve been continuing Brandon Sanderson’s Oathbringer. The plan was to finish it in time for this week’s paperback release of Rythym of War, the next book in The Stormlight Archive, but I’ve been going a bit slower with Oathbringer than the previous books in the series. Part of that is due to assorted things like watching Firefly with my husband (who hasn’t seen it before). There have been assorted comic book and novel spin-offs/continuations of the series, and I picked up the novel Big Damn Hero by James Lovegrove a while back. I decided to check it out this week. It turns out the day I started reading it was the day we watched the episode that happens directly before the book. Spiffy timing. I’m enjoying the book so far. The characterizations seem pretty spot on, and there are a lot of references to things from the show (like Jayne’s hat, recently acquired). I’m looking forward to trying to get some more of the books and such.
This upcoming week, I will likely be rather busy. I plan to continue plotting and drafting Book 11, and I plan to hit the ground running when Camp NaNo starts this Friday. I will continue reading Big Damn Hero, and if I finish that, I’ll likely switch over to Oathbringer. Other than those, I’ve got some family visits soon that I need to finish some preparations for, so I’ll have to see what kind of other spare time I might have for assorted projects.
For anyone who will be participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this July, if you would like to add me as a writing buddy, my name on the site is fantasy_writer42, and you can find my profile here.
I think that’s all for this update! As always, thanks for reading!
~ Theresa
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