Update: Week of 26 Jul 2021

Greetings! I hope you are all doing well!

It’s hard to believe this month is almost over. There are still six days left for those who are participating in Camp NaNoWriMo. While this past week was on par with the previous weeks for word count for Camp NaNo, I am currently reassessing my goal. There are definitely exciting things happening, and because of that, I’m not as strictly concerned about the word count as I might be otherwise. That said, I am thinking I should be able to at least double where I currently stand.

Some of the developments from this past week are continuations of things that started last week. They are definitely coming into focus a bit more. That certainly will help when I get to the editing stage, since I have left certain spots in the drafts open enough to fill in details as a way of maintaining consistency throughout the series. One of the other good things to the current developments is that I will be able to take those new pieces and insert them where they belong in current and future drafts without having to wait for revisions. So, I have had a rather productive Camp, but a good bit of that productivity has taken different other forms than words on the page. And yet, I have gotten about 4500 words for the month, which is certainly more than what I had at the beginning of the month.

As for reading, I’m making progress on Redwall, and I am rather enjoying Brian Jacques’ writing style and characters. The other book I have been reading this week is called The Spirit Binds. It is the fifth book (out of seven) in The Elemental Academy series by DK Holmberg. Honestly, one of the things that comes to mind with this series, is something I’ve known for a while but was reminded by Stephen King in On Writing: There are a lot of things that you can learn from reading bad books. Now, the premise for the series is good… To be honest, I’m definitely fond of things to do with elementals. And there are a lot of really good story elements. However, the writing, story construction, and character construction definitely leave a lot to be desired. Most of the reason I am still reading the series is because I want to find out what happens to the elementals.

This past week has been rather productive on the crafty front. I managed to finish my drawing of Gaara, and given how much trouble it was giving me, I am fairly pleased with how it turned out. I also managed to mostly finish the scarf I was working on. The only thing left to do for that project is to bind off the scarf, and then weave in the ends of the yarn. At the moment, that bind off has been a bit of a problem, since I’m having some trouble finding the method of binding off that will match the other end of the scarf. That is something I will have to hunt for, but I don’t have a deadline for that scarf, so at least there is no pressure there.

For this week, I’d like to see if I can finish Camp NaNo with 10,000 words. That would put me at needing 5,000 for the week, which should be doable even with other stuff going on. I’m also planning to finish Redwall, and I get the feeling I will be picking up another book, but I’m not sure if that will be the next Elemental Academy book or not… I might take another break from that series. Other than that, I am also on the hunt for my next craft project.

If you would like to be writing buddies on the NaNoWriMo website, by username is: Fantasy_Writer42 and you can find me here.

I think that’s about all for this update! Thanks for reading! And if you happen to know of any good series with elementals/elemental magic, feel free to let me know in the comments!

~ Theresa

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