Update: Week of 20 Dec 2021

Hello, everyone! It’s hard to believe we are coming up on the end of 2021!

So, the first half of the week, I spent a lot of time working on my latest knitting project, and I finished it a little before going to visit with people for the weekend, so that was nice. Other than that, I have maintained my streak of writing some amount and reading some amount each day. Beyond that, this weekend, I had my first 1,667 day since the end of NaNoWriMo last month, so that was nice.

Currently, I am working on the end section of Book 10. At this point, I think I have about six chapters to go, and I’m thinking I will have probably at least another 10,000 words or so… (I know I said about 15,000 words about 10,000 words ago, but I’m hardly planning to rush this story, regardless of my original plans.). I am very glad to be working on this section of this book. There are definitely interesting things happening, and it should set things up rather nicely for the rest of this arc. Given the upcoming festivities between now and the new year, I’m not sure how much I will be able to get done with this draft, but I’m planning to take advantage of the in-between moments I have to write a bit here and there.

My reading for the week has been Mercedes Lackey’s The Fire Rose, and JV Hilliard’s The Last Keeper, which just came out recently. Both of those have been progressing nicely. While I know The Fire Rose is a loose retelling of Beauty and the Beast, I think I’m going to need to get a bit further with The Last Keeper before I can get a better handle on where it’s going. It is interesting so far, and I’m curious how things will tie together.

For this upcoming week, I’ve got a bit more holiday stuff to take care of, but I’m mostly prepared. As such, I plan to get as much of the first draft of Book 10 finished. I think that since I’m now working on a portion of the book that I have thought about a lot, it should go fairly quickly. Other than that, I have two books that I’m enjoying. I intend to make some progress with those this week. And I might see about starting to knit a second pair of fingerless gloves for myself, assuming I’m in a knitting mood after my marathon knitting session last week.

I think that’s everything for this update. Thanks for reading!

~ Theresa

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