Hello! Welcome to August! I hope y’all had a good July, and I hope this month treats y’all well.
This past week saw the end of the July session of Camp NaNoWriMo for this year. As I mentioned last week, I was hoping to double my word count by the end of the month. I did manage to reach my revised goal of 10,000 words for the month (final count was 10,712). Other than that, I’ve gotten some reading in for the week, and I’ve been watching a good bit of the Olympics. Definitely fond of swimming and gymnastics, though it’s been cool watching several of the other sports, too. (I’m actually watching some gymnastics and some track & field as I’m writing this.)
One of the big tasks with the current book is to make sure things are in place for the end of this arc. For the most part, that is going well, but I am also having a lot of moments where things are starting to fall into place. A few of those topics weren’t actually things I had considered prior to this past month, though they fit perfectly with everything else I’m setting up. While I count that all as phenomenal progress, it has resulted in fewer words ending up on the page. That said, I am pleased with getting 6,000 words this past week. It’s not a personal best or anything, but given how the rest of the month has gone, it’s nice to have a few days where I was in the zone, as it were.
I have made some progress with Redwall, though most of my reading has been the 6th Elemental Academy book by DK Holmberg, called The Chaos Rises. Admittedly, choosing that book as my latest read was partly wanting to find out what happened, and partly not knowing how long it would be before I came back to the series after putting it down… again. I still stand by the fact that a lot of really good story elements are present, though they aren’t necessarily handled as well as they could be. And one of the best-friend characters who is supposed to be really smart seems to like to doubt the main character and make him doubt himself (that has been routinely frustrating over the last few books). That said, I’m about halfway through the book, and some pretty spiffy elemental stuff came up. Since the elementals are the reason I’m reading these books, that’s a nice development. I’m hoping things with the elementals will pay off with the rest of this book and the next book/last book of the series.
I think that’s about all I have for this update. Thanks for reading! If you have any recommendations for good elemental series, feel free to share in the comments below!
~ Theresa
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