Update: Week of 18 Oct 2021

Hello! We are now halfway through October, and two weeks away from the start of NaNoWriMo 2021.

I managed to get a good bit of writing done, and I’m currently in the middle of a scene that I have had in mind for a while. I’m looking forward to finishing this section, as well as some of the stuff coming up over the next few in-world weeks (though next few real world weeks should be good, too). I still have a few things that I’m trying to pin down for Book 9, but I’ve worked out that if I can average about 1,000 words per day on the draft, I should be able to finish it before NaNo starts on 1 November. If nothing else, this should be a good warmup for the coming month. As additional preparation for NaNo, I’ve also been working on plotting the final arc. I have a few things placed on the timeline, and now I’m working on trying to fill things in from a logical standpoint. A lot of the work to refine the outline will come as I’m drafting the books, but I should be able to get a rough sketch of the final arc of the series before NaNo starts.

As for reading, after a couple weeks where I didn’t read much, I finished Jeff Wheeler’s Prism Cloud early last week, and I read the final book in the series, Broken Veil, shortly thereafter. There were a few elements that were not quite what I was expecting when I picked up the series, namely the sheer amount of political intrigue and certain elements of religion on the two worlds in the story that kind of felt like they were supposed to be unique, but they had a lot of similarities to Christianity, some of which were really on the nose. That said, overall I did enjoy the series. I might eventually pick up some of his other series. They seem to be set on the two different worlds, several centuries apart from each other and quite a while before the series I just finished (The Harbinger Series), and they seem to deal with some of the historical figures who were mentioned in this series, so that is a bit of a plus as far as I’m concerned.

This week, I’m going to continue drafting Book 9 and plotting Book 10. I’m thinking I should be able to get about half of the remaining words for Book 9, and I’d like to put a good dent into the remaining plotting. I’m still slowly making my way through Mercedes Lackey’s The Serpent’s Shadows. I think I’m getting into more of the main story for it, so it’s starting to pick up.

If anyone would like to add me as a writing buddy for NaNoWriMo, my username is fantasy_writer42, and you can find my profile here.

I think that does it for this update. As always, thanks for reading!

~ Theresa

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