Greetings! I hope this finds y’all well!
This past week went fairly well. I made a bit of progress on a few projects. I also got to read a bit, so that was nice. Currently, I’m on day thirteen of my latest attempt to learn Irish as part of the “100 day Gaeilge Challenge,” which I learned about on Twitter earlier this month. Other than that, I was able to visit with some of my family people. All things considered, I think this week went fairly well.
Writing has been going fairly well. I got a bit of writing down on the first draft of Book 11. I also spent a bit of time refining some of the upcoming plot elements, and I did a bit more character development for certain things that just hadn’t quite come up before now. Admittedly, that last part was more of the physical characteristic type stuff so I could try to get a better mental picture of my characters for drawing purposes. I still have a good bit to do on that front, but at least I’m getting a bit closer to where I’d like to be. The other thing I did this week (after a bit of an issue with backing up my files recently), is that I went through my files and confirmed what was where, and I renamed and relocated several things for easier identification. I also cleared out several documents that contained snippets of books that had already been incorporated into the full draft and things like that. For the most part, things were good, but my files were due for a bit of straightening.
Reading for this week included some more progress on James Lovegrove’s Firefly novel, Big Damn Hero. It is going nicely so far. I’ve also decided to look into some of Neil Gaiman’s writing, as I’ve been meaning to do that for a while. After seeing a post of his talking about how much he supports libraries (and having his writing available at libraries), I decided to see what my library had available. I expected that certain things would probably have a long wait, and they do, but I found several that look interesting. I read one of the short stories in M is for Magic, and I have started reading Neverwhere, though I haven’t gotten too far with that one yet. Despite my mentioning being in a manga mood last week, I did not actually continue reading My Hero Academia, though it is very much on my list still. Maybe this week.
As for my progress toward my “100 Day Gaeilge Challenge,” I’ve been trying to build on what I’ve done in the past by going a bit further with Duolingo than I had before. Mostly that’s involved learning quite a few new words. I’ve also spent some time watching assorted videos and listening to music. I know music is not the best way to get pronunciation down, but it does do wonders for learning new words. I’m definitely looking into other resources for learning Irish. Overall, I’m having a really good time with it.
This upcoming week, I will continue drafting Book 11. I’m also hoping to do a bit more character development stuff in preparation for actually drawing my characters, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while. However, before I get to that point, I do need to work on drawing, particularly drawing without a reference. That has been something of a slow process for me, but I am still working toward that goal. I plan to continue both Big Damn Hero and Neverwhere, and possibly My Hero Academia depending on how the rest of this week goes. I will also be continuing my “100 day Gaeilge Challenge.” I’m curious to see where this week will take me. Also, I do still have a review of July’s session of Camp NaNo coming, but it’s taking a bit longer than I anticipated to gather my thoughts on last month.
Speaking of Camp NaNoWriMo, Camp NaNo has recently ended, and NaNoWriMo proper doesn’t start until November, but if you would like to add me as a writing buddy, my name on the site is fantasy_writer42, and you can find my profile here.
That’s everything for this update! Thanks for reading!
~ Theresa
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