Greetings, and welcome to this week’s update!
I have made a good bit of progress on several fronts this week. I’ve done a good bit of writing and reading this week. In addition to that, I’m almost finished with my early/impromptu Huevember attempt (today is the final day), and I’ve been making progress with my Irish lessons. Overall, I can’t complain.
My writing this week has been continuing to draft Book 11. We are now three weeks away from the start of NaNoWriMo on 1 Nov, and I’ve still got quite a bit to write for this first draft of Book 11. My attention has been a bit divided of late due to my Huevember attempt, but since that ends today, I should be able to devote a good bit of focus toward writing in the coming weeks. At this point, I suspect I won’t be finishing this draft before NaNo starts, but I should be able to get pretty close. And at that point, my plan for NaNo would likely be “finish Book 11 and start Book 12,” which is perfectly fine with me.
My reading for this week has consisted of finishing one book and starting another. I mentioned in last week’s update that I was slowly making progress on Michael R. Miller’s Ascendant, the first book in his Songs of Chaos series. That was the book I finished this week. Overall, it was pretty good. I’ve also started reading Soulhome, the first book of The Weirkey Chronicles by Sarah Lin. I decided to check it out after hearing that the series did some interesting things with regard to language barriers. So far I’ve only read a little bit past the prologue, and it occurred to me part of the way through that I didn’t actually know anything else about the book (other than some vague ideas that it was a portal fantasy of some sort). Honestly, the prologue seemed a little too “in medias res” for me, to the extent where I actually paused while reading it to confirm I had actually started the first book of the series, and to confirm that this series wasn’t a sequel to something else). That said, it seems to have some interesting ideas, and I’m looking forward to seeing where things go.
My “100 Day Gaeilge Challenge” is going well. I’m currently on day 69, so a little over two-thirds of the way through. Most of this past week has been focused on review previous lessons rather than pushing ahead to new material. I am fairly pleased with how things are going. I am still looking into additional resources beyond Duolingo, but I am also willing to count a little progress as good progress toward my goal.
For this week, I plan to continue drafting Book 11. With a bit of luck, I’ll get quite a few words down. I also plan to continue Soulhome. My early/impromptu Huevember will be finished tonight. I’m thinking I might spend some time watching art tutorials and creating my own brushes before I start another big challenge like that. Other than that, I’m not sure what my plans for the week are. I do know that I’ve got plans to visit with family later in the week.
I think that’s everything for this update! As always, thanks for reading!
~ Theresa
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