The Journey to a Published Book: More Edits and Creating a Draft to send to my Beta Readers

So, due to a bit of work travel, and trying to put a dent in one of my larger craft products (a blanket that has been waiting far too long for me to finish it), I have not gotten much work done on my current draft of my first book. Now that things have settled down a bit, and the blanket is officially past the halfway point, I am working on a plan.

That plan is to set some self-imposed deadlines. I figure if deadlines work as well as they do during NaNoWriMo, perhaps they will help me fix up my NaNo novel outside of that fantastic month. One deadline is to get the rest of my current round of edits typed. Another deadline is for the final read-through. I am going to try to stick to those deadlines as close as I can, given that I do have more work travel coming up soon.

While life does have a tendency to get far busier (especially on a day-to-day level) than we want, as writers it is merely one aspect we have to deal with on this writerly journey. Going the traditional publishing route, perhaps there are other people holding you to a schedule. When you are self-publishing, the only one to hold you accountable is yourself (and potentially some close friends, if you have the kind of amazing friends who will keep you in line even when you find yourself distracted).

I have collected a few such friends over the years, though I am always looking to expand my writers’ network when I can.

Do you have any tips for keeping yourselves on track when it comes to your projects? I would love to hear from you!

~ Theresa

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