Here we are on the first Camp NaNo Eve of 2020! Woo! I know a lot of us are stuck at home for the next while, but at least we can connect with like minds during this time. And hey, during Camp maybe we can even enjoy some s’mores and other lovely camp snacks (separately, of course, but together in spirit)!
My initial plan was to try to draft book 7 before the start of Camp, and then use Camp to draft book 8. Unfortunately, things did not work according to that plan… that said, it did give rise to a new plan: continue working on book 7, and then when I finish book 7, I scale the in-Camp goal for book 8 to match the remaining time left.
Conveniently, Camp NaNoWriMo allows for that kind of adjustable goal. Also conveniently, since this is part of a series, I already have a few things already plotted for book 8. While a Pantser at heart, at least having some key elements plotted comes in handy, especially for task like drafting a novel in 30 days.
As it stands, I am currently about 11k words into book 7. With a few solid writing days, I should be able to get a good chunk of the remaining 39k words written before too long into April. We will see, though.
In addition to writing, I’ve also been trying to learn/experiment with different knitting techniques, and I’ve been working on learning languages (currently, Irish, Russian, and Japanese). What are you doing to keep yourselves entertained?
Are you participating in Camp NaNoWriMo in April? How are your stories progressing in this time leading up to Camp? I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks for reading,
~ Theresa
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