Hello, everyone! Tomorrow is NaNo Eve! Yay!
I am a plantser (part planner- someone who plans their novels, part pantser- someone who “novels by the seat of their pants”). I completed my timeline/outline, such as it is, a few weeks ago, and I decided today would be a good time to take another look. I’m thinking it looks good enough that I should be able to move forward smoothly enough once NaNo properly begins.
I’ve got a lovely group of Wrimos (most of whom were gathered for the July session of Camp NaNo, and a few new faces as well). It’s nice having that support system of fellow writers to be able to bounce ideas off of, and to commiserate with over the trials that NaNo presents.
My project this NaNo will be book 6 in my series. It will serve as the end of the first arc of my series. This week, I’ve also been working on plotting books 7, 8, and 9. So far, those are coming along splendidly, and I’ve discovered a thing or two that might work their way into book 6… This seems to be a rather large benefit to drafting the series before getting things completely polished.
Speaking of polished, I am also working on my final round of revisions before giving book 1 to my first round of beta readers. I’m excited! I originally planned to get it done by the end of this month, but as it is, I should be able to carve out a bit of time during NaNo to make progress on it during the month.
Most of this week, and last week, have been focused on staying in a writing mood, getting pumped up for NaNo, and keeping myself from starting book 6 early. As it is, NaNo will be here soon enough!
If you would like to be writing buddies on the NaNo site, feel free to add me: fantasy_writer42
What are you doing during the final prep days leading up to NaNo? Still plotting? Doing anything but plotting? I’d love to here from you!
~ Theresa
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