I mentioned in this week’s update that I was finishing up my early/impromptu attempt at the Huevember Challenge. The official goal is to do one image a day in November with each painting having one primary hue resulting in a full trip around the color wheel over the course of the month. I might attempt this challenge officially, but with National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) happening in November, I will have to see how the time works out. For now, here is where my ‘month’ began.
This first section was definitely kind of interesting. I hadn’t quite planned to start this challenge when I did, but it seemed to be as good a time as any. Admittedly, I’m a bit more fond of cooler tones, but I think these turned well.
Days 1 to 6
You can find the individual paintings below, with some assorted blurbs from my experience of painting them.
Day 1: “A Yellow World under a Yellow Sky”

This was initially just a test painting to see how this whole “single hue” thing would work. (I also figured I could try out a couple things I’d recently seen Bob Ross do…) Overall, I had a lot of fun with this. So much so, I decided to do more of this challenge. I figured the yellow sky would be an interesting touch, and everything else kind of followed from that.
Day 2: “One of Those Suckers is Going Down…”

My immediate thought upon seeing this color was “Cheetah.” However, since I had recently done a detailed cheetah painting, I figured this would be a good opportunity for something different.
The title was actually my first thought upon finishing the painting, and it seemed both fitting and humorous.
Day 3: “Goldfinches in the Garden”

When I first saw the color for this day, I thought of goldfinches. Admittedly, I wasn’t sure what to do with them, but a garden scene seemed… useful. (It was also a good way to incorporate some extra yellow without having to use a lot of it.
Day 4: “Lyin’ in the Shade”

The color for this day reminded me of a tawny lion. I was trying a little bit of a different take on certain things (like painting the fur). This was also the day/painting where I realized that I was losing the ability to get an approximate green color, so I kind of had to improvise (while adjusting my plans for future colors).
Day 5: “A Foxy Photobomb”

For this painting, I had an autumn scene come to mind, particularly with more of the orange and brown vibes. Beyond that, I thought it would be funny if there was this nice landscape and a curious fox coming right up to the camera. Overall, I think the effect turned out nicely.
Day 6: “Tiger Belly Rubs”

This color immediately made me think of tigers, and while looking for reference photos, I decided this pose was too cute to resist. I love the playful vibe, and this was actually my first time painting tigers.
Final Thoughts
All things considered, this was an interesting start to the challenge. I definitely started using a bit more of the color of the day as I got further away from the yellows, but I think I also learned a lot in these early days about using the saturation and value to get close to what I pictured. On top of that, I definitely had fun with these paintings. Some were interesting with regard to trying new techniques, some were just funny to construct.
I think that’s everything for this post. The remaining paintings should be up soon!
~ Theresa
Other posts in this series (links will be added as the entries are posted):
- Early Huevember 2022: Days 1 to 6 (current)
- Early Huevember 2022: Days 7 to 12
- Early Huevember 2022: Days 13 to 18
- Early Huevember 2022: Days 19 to 24
- Early Huevember 2022: Days 25 to 30
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