So, so far we have made it through eight full days of this month’s session of Camp NaNoWriMo, and I’ve managed to at least hit my word goal per day for each of those eight days.
With a full time job, and maintaining the standard NaNo word goal of averaging 1667 words per day, there isn’t too much time for other things. There is something to be said for keeping up a writing habit, even if it does mean ending up with a lack of sleep during the work week. If all goes well, I plan to work on the next book in the series (#5) in July’s Camp NaNo, with book #6 for my official NaNo project in November.
That would give me four first drafts in thirteen months. It would also be the most new material planned and written in such a short time frame. I’m excited, to say the least. This would also complete all of the first drafts for the first main arc of my series.
Over the past week and change, I’ve learned a handful of things about several of my characters and their relationships with each other that I think will help make the earlier stories in the series come to life a bit more. For the most part, they are little details, but they were also not something I considered when writing books one through three. As such I did not realize certain elements would have been present.
Since I am still working on getting the first book to a proper state to be published, this seems like the perfect time to be able to go into the story and at least hint at some of the things to come. One of the interesting things with writing a series is that certain elements aren’t getting wrapped up all in the span of a single book. Certain plot threads carry over to future books, even though each book has a complete story arc.
Current Camp NaNo April 2019 word count: 14,250, as of last night (8 Apr). So far, on track, though I’d like to get ahead, if I can. I do have plans this weekend to do some word sprints with my cabin mates, so hopefully that will give me the boost I need!
What are your thoughts on writing ahead in a series? What types of projects are you working on? What types of projects would you like to work on during Camp NaNo? I would love to hear from you!
~ Theresa
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