Hello! i hope y’all are doing well!
I think this past week went fairly well for me. I made a good bit of progress on Book 9, and I figured out quite a few things for elsewhere in the series. This upcoming week is likely to be a bit light as far as writing, since I will be visiting family for part of it, but I’m hoping I will be able to make some progress in at least a few regards. We are officially less than a month away from the start of NaNoWriMo 2021, so my plan for the month is to finish Book 9, and at least plot Book 10. I think that should be doable, but the specific schedule for that is something I need to actually pin down. By next week I should have a pretty good idea of how the rest of the month shall go.
I definitely made some good progress with my series this week. I wrote about 3,000 words this week, and I actually was able to refine my outline/timeline a bit with regard to upcoming things. I expect that will help things go smoother. I do still have a few pieces that I haven’t quite figured out yet, but I get the feeling those will fall into place as I get closer to the end. Other than that, I’ve spent a good bit of time trying to figure out how some of the bigger pieces in the final arc will play out. As part of that process, I had a spiffy realization that something that happened in Book 3 actually kind of mirrors something that will happen in the final arc. I knew that certain pieces would line up, but some of the deeper implications didn’t become clear until I looked back on it.
As far as reading, I am working my way through Jeff Wheeler’s Prism Cloud. I am definitely curious to see how the rest of the series goes. I am also slowly still working my way through Mercedes Lackey’s The Serpent’s Shadow. I suspect I will have a bit more reading time this upcoming week, but this past week was a bit of a light week for reading.
One final thing for this week is that I have been watching my way through different Star Trek series, and I just started Season 5 of The Next Generation. There is an episode called “Darmok” where the crew meets an race of people who speak only in allegories, where everything is a reference to something that happened in their people’s past. Understandably, the language barrier poses issues, but eventually Captain Picard and the Tamarian Captain Dathon are able to communicate, thus leading to the first successful interaction between the Tamarians and anyone else in the galaxy. There are all kinds of differing opinions about various things in the episode, but I, for one, greatly enjoyed it. The story was good. The acting was good. The idea of overcoming a linguistic challenge was good… Admittedly, my fondness for Tolkien probably factored into my enjoyment of the episode. I suspect I will be keeping this episode, and the ideas it presents, in mind for some future writing project.
For this week, a lot of my time will be up in the air. That said, I plan to make some progress with Book 9. I would also like to make a bit more progress with plotting the final arc of the series. Other than that, I intend to make a bit more progress with Prism Cloud and The Serpent’s Shadow. I’m not sure how much spare time I will have, but I think I should be able to get a bit done. And then, anything beyond those goals will just be a bonus, so that should work nicely.
If anyone would like to add me as a writing buddy for NaNoWriMo, my username is fantasy_writer42, and you can find my profile here.
I think that’s it for this update. Thanks for reading!
~ Theresa
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